Ubuntu Desktop. Proxy ignore list

Recently, I faced with the following problem. We have a proxy server in the company.
Therefore, after setting up my test host on my local machine, I had to add it to the exception list.
Of course, I could configure browsers, but it wasn't entirely correct.
Therefore, it was better to add the host to the ignore list using the console.

If you want to view the list, run the command:

$ gsettings get org.gnome.system.proxy ignore-hosts
['localhost', '', '::1']

To set your host to the ignore list, run the command:

$ gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy ignore-hosts "['localhost', '', 'test.com', '*.test.com']"

As you can see in my case I added 'test.com' and '*.test.com'.

I hope that somebody this article will help to save time :)