Ruby/Haskell. Hoare's partition sort or quick sort. Imperative or functional approach?

Some of these days I had fun with Haskell. I tried to write Hoare's sort in Haskell. For my implementation I used list's filtering by the element that was in the middle of the list:

qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qsort [] = []
qsort xs = partitions (xs !! (div ((length xs) - 1) 2)) xs where
  partitions x' xs' =
    qsort (filter (< x') xs') ++ (filter (== x') xs') ++ qsort (filter (> x') xs')
What is the most interesting that using of this kind of filtering allows to write a more intuitive algorithm than a variant with an imperative implementation. For comparison, below we can see implementations in Ruby.

This is a variant of imperative implementation:

def hoaresort(array, first, last)
  i, j = first, last
  x  = array[(i + j) / 2]

    i += 1 while array[i] < x
    j -= 1 while array[j] > x

    if i <= j
      array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i] if i < j
      i += 1
      j -= 1
  end while (i <= j)

  hoaresort(array, i, last) if i < last
  hoaresort(array, first, j) if first < j

  # Uncomment next line if you want to return sorted array as result
  # array
And next is a variant of functional implementation:

def hoaresort(array)
  return [] if array.length == 0
  x = array[(0 + (array.length - 1)) / 2]
  hoaresort(array.filter { |v| v < x }) +
    array.filter { |v| v == x } +
      hoaresort(array.filter { |v| v > x })
In my opinion the comparison obviously shows us that the functional approach is more clear and understandable.

curl. Basic authentication

Specify the user name and password to use for server authentication:

curl --user <name>:<password>
If you simply specify the user name, curl will prompt for a password:

curl --user <name>
Also you can encrypt name and password before sending your curl request:

curl -H "Authorization: Basic <your_token>"
where <your_token> is being generated like that:

-ne "<name>:<password>" | base64 --wrap 0