Simple Modifications -> For your device (select it) -> Add item -> application (Keys in pc keybords) -> right_command (Modifier keys)There you go - it started functioning well.
Developer notes
Mechanical keyboard on Mac OS. When the right command key does not work properly.
Recetly I decided to switch from an Apple magic keyboard to the on of the mechanical keyboard I bought the other day on the Aliexpress. It's the GK85 one with red switches.
Despite the fact this keyboard wasn't expensive the typing felt pretty good. Although the keyboard was compatible with the Mac OS, I faced that the right command key did not work as expected. Then the Karabiner Elements app came to my aid. In Karabiner-EventViwer I was able to determine the correct key-code that was associated with this key. In my case it was {"key_code": "application"}. So, there was just one thing left to do - map this key_code to the key_code I needed - right_command:
Golang. Working with go module dependencies
In order to initialize go modules in our project just run the next command
This file also contains the following elements:
require includes all dependency modules and the associated version that we are going to use in our project.
replace points to the local version of the dependency in Go, not git-web. It will create a local copy of the provider with available versions, so there is no need to install every time we want to refer to the provider.
//indirect implies that we do not use these dependencies inside our project, but there is some module that imports them.
go.sum maintains a checksum, so when we run the project again, it won't install all the packages again. It uses the cache, which is stored in the $GOPATH/pkg/mod directory (module cache directory).
It is possible to create a separate catalog of vendors with available versions. This copies all third-party dependencies to the vendor folder at the root of your project. This adds all the transitive dependencies needed to run the vendor’s package. When vendoring is enabled, the go command will download packages from the vendor directory instead of downloading modules from their sources into the module cache and using the already downloaded packages.
There is a command to remove installed packages. This command is used to clear the mod cache, which is stored in $GOPATH/pkg/mod. The -modcache flag removes the entire module load cache, including unpacked dependency version source code.
To view a list of available package versions
To view a list of available versions of all packages that are used in your project
The list of available versions will only be displayed if the package has a release version. In this case, if a package is used that does not have a release version, then go.mod will display an entry in the following format instead of the version - v0.0.0-<timestamp>-<commit-hash> In fact, the availability of a release version can also be found through git commands:
Upgrading dependency to the latest version
Upgrading dependency and all its dependencies to the latest version
Viewing available dependency upgrades. It will show you available minor and patch upgrades for all direct and indirect dependencies
Upgrading all dependencies at once. To upgrade all dependencies at once for a given module, just run the following from the root of your module. This upgrades to the latest or minor patch release
Or we can upgrade test dependencies
To also upgrade to a specific version using Go modules
or specifying a commit hash
We can update the package to the latest available version and thus
Thus, given the required version, we can perform downgrading and upgrading. After all such updates and changes in the project code, it is recommended to run the command
This will then link the current imports in the project and packages listed in go.mod go mod tidy ensures that the go.mod file matches the source code of the module. It adds any missing module requirements needed to build the current module's packages and dependencies, if there are any unused dependencies, go mod tidy will remove them from go.mod accordingly. It also adds any missing entries to go.sum and removes unnecessary entries.
go mod init<user>/<project>
As a result, go.mod and go.sum will be created.
go.mod file describes all the dependencies in the project, as well as the current version of the language and initialized module name.
This file also contains the following elements:
require includes all dependency modules and the associated version that we are going to use in our project.
replace points to the local version of the dependency in Go, not git-web. It will create a local copy of the provider with available versions, so there is no need to install every time we want to refer to the provider.
//indirect implies that we do not use these dependencies inside our project, but there is some module that imports them.
go.sum maintains a checksum, so when we run the project again, it won't install all the packages again. It uses the cache, which is stored in the $GOPATH/pkg/mod directory (module cache directory).
It is possible to create a separate catalog of vendors with available versions. This copies all third-party dependencies to the vendor folder at the root of your project. This adds all the transitive dependencies needed to run the vendor’s package. When vendoring is enabled, the go command will download packages from the vendor directory instead of downloading modules from their sources into the module cache and using the already downloaded packages.
go mod vendor
There is a command to remove installed packages. This command is used to clear the mod cache, which is stored in $GOPATH/pkg/mod. The -modcache flag removes the entire module load cache, including unpacked dependency version source code.
go clean -modcache
To view a list of available package versions
go list -m -versions
To view a list of available versions of all packages that are used in your project
go list -m all
The list of available versions will only be displayed if the package has a release version. In this case, if a package is used that does not have a release version, then go.mod will display an entry in the following format instead of the version - v0.0.0-<timestamp>-<commit-hash> In fact, the availability of a release version can also be found through git commands:
git ls-remote —tags git:// | less
git ls-remote —heads git:// | less
Upgrading dependency to the latest version
go get
Upgrading dependency and all its dependencies to the latest version
go get -u
Viewing available dependency upgrades. It will show you available minor and patch upgrades for all direct and indirect dependencies
go list -u -m all
Upgrading all dependencies at once. To upgrade all dependencies at once for a given module, just run the following from the root of your module. This upgrades to the latest or minor patch release
go get -u ./...
Or we can upgrade test dependencies
go get -t -u ./...
To also upgrade to a specific version using Go modules
go get foo@v1.2.3
go get
or specifying a commit hash
go get foo@f5801deq7
We can update the package to the latest available version and thus
go get
Thus, given the required version, we can perform downgrading and upgrading. After all such updates and changes in the project code, it is recommended to run the command
go mod tidy
This will then link the current imports in the project and packages listed in go.mod go mod tidy ensures that the go.mod file matches the source code of the module. It adds any missing module requirements needed to build the current module's packages and dependencies, if there are any unused dependencies, go mod tidy will remove them from go.mod accordingly. It also adds any missing entries to go.sum and removes unnecessary entries.
Golang. Encapsulation via interfaces
How we can use all power of encapsulation in golang?
To achieve that we can use so-called interfaces. Below you can see one example of that approach. Our Notifier interface is public and the notifier struct is private. It means that all external clients will be able to use notifiers package publicly only via public interface while other things are hidden. So it’s the power of using encapsulation.
There is only one thing we can do to fix it. This is to make the return struct public.
To achieve that we can use so-called interfaces. Below you can see one example of that approach. Our Notifier interface is public and the notifier struct is private. It means that all external clients will be able to use notifiers package publicly only via public interface while other things are hidden. So it’s the power of using encapsulation.
package notifiers
import "fmt"
type Notifier interface {
type notifier struct {
client string
func NewNotifier(client string) Notifier {
return ¬ifier{client: client}
func (n *notifier) Send() {
fmt.Printf("Notifier sent notification via client: %v\n", n.client)
package main
import "notifiers"
func main() {
notifiers.NewNotifier("html client").Send()
But what if we need to get access to the state of returning struct instance from the package instead of being able to work only with the public interface?
In that case, we can change the return type in the signature of the public constructor NewNotifier.
func NewNotifier(client string) *notifier {
return ¬ifier{client: client}
And it will be workable. But if you try to run golint then you will get the next error message:
exported func NewNotifier returns unexported type *notifier, which can be annoying to use (golint)
There is only one thing we can do to fix it. This is to make the return struct public.
package notifiers
import "fmt"
type Notifier struct {
client string
func NewNotifier(client string) *Notifier {
return &Notifier{client: client}
func (n *Notifier) Send() {
fmt.Printf("Notifier sent notification via client: %v\n", n.client)
As you can see, the Notifier interface had to be removed.
Thus, we threw more details out. In my opinion, it’s a less abstract approach.
Despite this, we can still use encapsulation both at the package and at the level of public structure (by using private fields).
Ruby. Working with PostGIS extension
Postgres is well known as a modern and powerful database.
One of the possibilities is support for working with geospatial data.
Initially, this requires the installation of the PostGIS extension.
Next, in your rails application, you need to use gems such as:
- gem 'activerecord-postgis-adapter'
- gem 'rgeo'
- gem 'geocoder'
Below is an example of working with a truck model, in which one of the fields (let's call it waypoints) has a special data type - geometry(linestring).
# app/lib/geo.rb
class Geo
SRID = 4326
METHODS = %i[point line_string]
class << self
delegate *METHODS, prefix: 'cartesian', to: :cartesian_factory
delegate *METHODS, prefix: 'spherical', to: :spherical_factory
def cartesian_factory
@cartesian_factory ||= RGeo::Cartesian.factory
def spherical_factory
@spherical_factory ||= RGeo::Geographic.spherical_factory(srid: SRID)
def pairs_to_points(pairs) { |pair| point(pair[0], pair[1]) }
def pairs_to_line_string(pairs)
points = pairs_to_points(pairs)
# app/models/concerns/geo_workable.rb
module GeoWorkable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
METHODS = %i[pairs_to_points pairs_to_line_string].freeze
included do
delegate *METHODS, to: Geo
class_methods do
delegate *METHODS, to: Geo
# app/models/track.rb
class Track < ActiveRecord::Base
include GeoWorkable
def coordinates
def update_waypoints(coordinates)
self.waypoints = pairs_to_line_string(coordinates)
track = Track.find(...)
coordinates = track.coordinates # [[longitude, latitude], [longitude, latitude], ...]
# do some transformations on that coordinates
Golang. A simple concept of a constructor
In Go it does not exist the concept of a constructor like in other languages. A
struct is a very flexible construct that can be defined in many ways. When
working with structs it is very important to take into consideration fields zero
values and how these values may impact the code. In many cases, it is a good
practice to define constructors, especially when certain values are not valid.
package main
type Box struct {
Height int
Width int
// It's a kind of constructor
func NewBox(height int, width int) (*Box, error) {
if height <= 0 || width <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("params must be greater than zero")
return &Box{height, width}, nil
func main() {
b, err := NewBox(1, 2)
if err != nil {
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